“We’re on the gain here for sage grouse,” says rancher Kay D. Leander, who lives in Douglas County near Leahy Junction, about 30 miles west of Grand Coulee Dam, Washington. Leander keeps his eye on the sage grouse that use his ranch, along with other wildlife.
“We’re on the gain here for sage grouse,” says rancher Kay D. Leander, who lives in Douglas County near Leahy Junction, about 30 miles west of Grand Coulee Dam, Washington. Leander keeps his eye on the sage grouse that use his ranch, along with other wildlife. He’s pleased that with Sage Grouse Initiative funding, he’s able make improvements that he wouldn’t be able to afford on his own. For instance, new fencing allows him to rest more pastures. Here, he is with his son Joel, mending fences.
Download a PDF of Leander’s story here.