The Sage Grouse Initiative YouTube Channel hosts science Webinars and others of interest. Please see our newest addition: Rangewide Mapping of Scarce Wetland Resources, featuring the research of Patrick Donnelly, of the Intermountain West Joint Venture & U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
The Sage Grouse Initiative and the Intermountain West Joint Venture provide a one-hour overview of new research that evaluates spatio-temporal variability in summer habitat conditions that structure sage-grouse populations, including an evaluation of associated land ownership patterns (Donnelly et al. in review). The discussion contains a demonstration of related GIS decision support tools made available to practitioners for use in summer habitat conservation planning, delivery, and evaluation. Features Patrick Donnelly (Intermountain West Joint Venture/USFWS).
We invite you to watch the recorded Webinar from August 6th, 2014 on the Sage Grouse Initiative YouTube Station: Rangewide Mapping of Scarce Wetland Resources.
We invite you also to explore our other Webinars on the SGI YouTube Channel.
Playlist: Webinars: Science & Management
Playlist: Sage Grouse Webinars (General): Just added to this section: How to Write a Great Success Story (by Deborah Richie, SGI Communications Director)
Our YouTube Channel is also where we keep our fabulous five Sage Grouse Initiative six-minute videos, professionally crafted by Jeremy Roberts of Conservation Media.