“Out on the Land,” a program of RFD TV with host Dr. Larry Butler, traveled to the Paint Rock Angus Ranch in Montana to visit with owner/operator Dennis Mercer and to track sage grouse with Lorelle Berkeley, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks biologist.
“Out on the Land,” a program of RFD TV with host Dr. Larry Butler, traveled to the Paint Rock Angus Ranch in Montana to visit with owner/operator Dennis Mercer and to track sage grouse with Lorelle Berkeley, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks biologist. You will also hear from Tim Griffiths, SGI national coordinator with the NRCS.
Dennis Mercer participates in the Sage Grouse Initiative, applying conservation on his ranch that benefits his cattle, the sage grouse, and the rangeland resources.
Watch the episode here: http://outontheland.com/season-2-episode-23/
Note: the episode aired September 3. A second episode showcasing SGI will air Sept. 24, 2013.