10:00 – 11:00 am MST
Hosts: NRCS West National Technology Support Center
When: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 | 10:00 – 11:00 am MST
Host: NRCS West National Technology Support Center
Presenter: Brian Mealor, University of Wyoming, Director – Sheridan Research and Extension Center, Associate Professor (Rangeland Weed Science and Restoration) – Department of Plant Sciences, Sheridan, WY
Click here for on-demand webinar replay!
Description: This webinar will briefly review cheatgrass biology and ecosystem impacts, present considerations for prioritizing cheatgrass management, and discuss chemical, mechanical, and biological weed treatment options. Invasion of the exotic annual grass, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), across sagebrush ecosystems is causing widespread rangeland degradation and wholesale shifts to novel ecological states currently beyond the ability of managers to reliably repair. To date, effects have been most pronounced in the Great Basin, but cheatgrass is a significant and growing problem across the West. Concerns over impacts to sage-grouse populations have brought additional focus and resources to address cheatgrass, but land managers still seek effective treatment options and strategic approaches to tackling the problem to maximize return on investment. Many opportunities exist for managers to proactively address cheatgrass invasion before critical thresholds are reached