The Latin name for pronghorn is Antilocapra americana, which means “American goat-antelope.” But pronghorn aren’t related to goats or antelopes; instead they are the only surviving member of Antilocapridae family, a group of animals that existed in North America during the Pleistocene epoch. It’s believed that pronghorn have been in North America for a million years.
Adult male pronghorn weigh between 85 and 150 pounds; adult females weigh 75-105 pounds on average.
The horns of pronghorn have characteristics of both horns and antlers. Antlers are made of bone and are shed each year. Horns are made of keratin and are never shed. Pronghorn horns have both a bony interior and a keratin sheath that is shed each year. Females also have horns, but they are smaller than those found on males.
Pronghorn typically breed in September or October and females give birth in late May, often to twins. Newborn pronghorn hide in grass for the first few days of their lives, nursing from their mother. They join the herd after a week or two.
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