Bareroot or container seedlings can be used to quickly re-establish big sagebrush and other native shrubs post-fire or other disturbances in situations where direct seeding is not feasible or unlikely to succeed.
Great Basin Fact Sheet No. 8: Establishing Big Sagebrush and Other Shrubs from Planting Stock
By: Nancy L. Shaw, Anne Halford, and J. Kent McAdoo
Reestablishment of big sagebrush and associated native shrubs following wildfire or other disturbance is critical to facilitate vegetation recovery and to provide community structure
and services. Bareroot or container seedlings can be used to quickly re-establish big sagebrush and other native shrubs in situations where direct seeding is not feasible or unlikely to succeed. The fact sheet below provides guidelines for developing a planting plan and timeline, arranging for seedling production, and installing and managing outplantings.
In Brief:
Click here or on the image below to download a PDF of the full fact sheet.
This factsheet is part of the Great Basin Fact Sheet Series compiled collaboratively by WAFWA, USFS, BLM, NRCS, RMRS, ARS, USGS, and FWS. The series provides land managers with brief summaries of current science concepts and management strategies related to conservation and restoration of the sagebrush sea.