A new tool is available for land managers in sagebrush country. The Sagebrush Bird Habitat Guide, created by several of our partners, provides information on breeding habitat used by several bird species commonly found in sagebrush communities throughout the Intermountain West.
A new tool is available for land managers in sagebrush country. The Sagebrush Bird Habitat Guide, created by several of our partners, provides information on breeding habitat used by several bird species commonly found in sagebrush communities throughout the Intermountain West.
Scientists teamed up from Partners in Flight, American Bird Conservancy, Bureau of Land Management, and Point Blue Conservation Science to create this field reference guide. It allows land managers to quickly assess potential bird species’ use of sagebrush habitats relative to general habitat type, shrub canopy cover, and shrub height.
In particular, the guide shows how species’ habitat relationships overlap with the habitat requirements of Greater sage-grouse. Most bird species use similar habitat for breeding across the range–conserving these habitat types is the focus of the Sage Grouse Initiative, as well as our partners across the sagebrush sea in the West.
The creators of this guide encourage its use in conjunction with local knowledge and resources where available, along with other available regional resources on birds and habitat management in sagebrush communities.
Download the Sagebrush Bird Habitat Guide here.
Read our latest Science to Solutions on sagebrush songbirds.