WLFW’s Jeremy Maestas and Dirac Twidwell join the Art of Range podcast for part two of a two-part discussion of Defend the Core, a proactive management strategy defending sagebrush and grasslands from threats.
Episode Title: Part 2 of “Defend the Core” Strategy for Invasive Plants
Podcast: Art of Range
Producer: Art of Range with support from Washington State University, Washington State University Western Extension Risk Management, University of Arizona, Rangelands Gateway, USDA
WLFW Experts: Jeremy Maestas, national sagebrush ecosystem specialist at the USDA-NRCS West National Technology Support Center and Dirac Twidwell, WLFW science advisor, professor of agronomy, University of Nebraska
Topic: “Defend the Core” strategy of proactive conservation to protect, conserve, and restore rangelands from threats like exotic grasses and woody encroachment
Air Date: March 2023
Listen Time: 50:27
Episode Description: Join host Tip Hudson for part two of his conversation with Jeremy Maestas, national sagebrush ecosystem specialist at the USDA-NRCS West National Technology Support Center, and Dirac Twidwell, WLFW’s Great Plains grasslands science advisor and professor of agronomy at the University of Nebraska.
In this episode, Tip, Jeremy and Dirac talk about new management recommendations that limit undesirable ecosystem state shifts driven by cheatgrass in the West and eastern redcedar on central U.S. grasslands. Jeremy and Dirac present the Defend the Core framework for invasive species management, a fresh approach that prioritizes preventing degradation where intact, functional plant communities exist and reducing risk of invasives spreading from areas already compromised. After a hundred years of trying to understand invasive plant dynamics, we now recognize that “preservationist” or passive management will not return degraded plant communities to their healthy “reference” state.
Be sure to listen to Part 1 of this interview (Episode 99) before you listen to this episode.
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