Moving a Shared
Vision Forward
Working Lands for Wildlife empowers America's farmers, ranchers and foresters to conserve wildlife through voluntary, incentive-based agricultural practices.

When we work together through win-win voluntary conservation, both working lands and wildlife benefit. Photo: Tim Griffiths.
a shared vision
We keep working lands intact, productive and profitable
Private agricultural lands supply our nation's food and fiber. They also provide vital habitat for wildlife to roam, support rural communities, and safeguard our water and soils.
WLFW offers a new paradigm for conserving working landscapes through voluntary cooperation and incentives. This approach is tailor-made to meet the needs of focal species and individual landowners in target landscapes.
Participating ranchers
Acres conserved
States where WLFW has projects
Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Conserving prairie chicken habitat benefits the wildlife, livestock and people who also depend on healthy, resilient grasslands.
Greater Sage-Grouse
Healthy sage grouse populations means healthy sagebrush rangeland and that's good for other wildlife, livestock, and people.

“As a rancher, you’re tied to the land and it means a lot to you. It’s important to take care of the land, to leave it better than you found it.”
John O’Keeffe, Rancher and WLFW participant