Host: Western Governors’ Association
Sagebrush country extends into the distance on the Kennedy Ranch in Utah's Bear Valley.
When: Thurs., Jan. 12, 9:30 to 11:00AM MST
Host: Western Governors’ Association
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Moderator: Jeremy Maestas, Sagebrush Ecosystem Specialist, USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service
Panelists: Chad Boyd, Rangeland Ecologist, Research Leader, Burns, Oregon, USDA – Agricultural Research Service; Brian Mealor, Director, University of Wyoming Sheridan Research and Extension Center; and Jay Kerby, Southeast Oregon Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy.
Description: The webinar, part of a series presented by WGA for the National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative, will examine new developments for increased resilience to the threats posed to western rangelands by invasive species, drought, wildfire and other stressors. Panelists will discuss techniques that maintain high-quality rangeland plant communities in areas where they persist, and restore them in areas where they have declined.