We provide scientific reports, project profiles, technical tools, videos, photos, field guides, and links that tell the story of how cooperative conservation is making a difference for working lands and wildlife across the West.
How much forage have you lost to woody species? The Rangeland Analysis Platform can help quantify forage loss and pinpoint where to invest conservation funding. Join the NRCS ...
Overview of the devastating impacts of annual invasive grasses, regional scale strategies to tackle the problem, on-the-ground examples of restoration, and introduction to a ...
Wet or mesic habitats are rare but disproportionately important habitats within western rangelands. Gully erosion and channel incision are widespread problems reducing nature ...
Working Lands for Wildlife video presentations from the 2019 Society for Range Management Conference featuring new technologies that can help improve rangeland management in ...
WEBINAR | February 26, 2019 | 2 PM ET - Mapping Cross-Scale Transitions in Rangelands - Learn how the powerful Rangelands Analysis Platform can help improve rangeland ...
RAP is a free, online tool that helps landowners and natural resource managers track vegetation through time and plan actions to improve America's grazing ...
The 2018 SGI field tour and presentations focused on cooperative, science-based conservation that's working to thwart fire and invasives in sagebrush ...
This webinar will discuss the benefits of altering timing of grazing to reduce annuals and maintain perennial bunchgrasses. It will also discuss the detrimental impacts of ...
Reducing cheatgrass has been a primary research topic and goal of ecological restoration for over 50 years. Our work examined published studies between 1946 and 2012 to ...
Symposium presented at the 'Sagebrush Ecosystems Conservation: All Lands, All Hands' conference in Feb. 2016 Sponsors: Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, The ...