
We provide scientific reports, project profiles, technical tools, videos, photos, field guides, and links that tell the story of how cooperative conservation is making a difference for working lands and wildlife across the West.

Imagining A Future Without Invasive Annual Grasses

Imagining A Future Without Invasive Annual Grasses

In July 2024, more than 60 participants from 13 states met in Wyoming for a hands-on workshop on how to treat invasive annual ...
Holding the Line: Defending Wyoming’s Sagebrush Cores from Cheatgrass

Holding the Line: Defending Wyoming’s Sagebrush Cores from Cheatgrass

Sublette County, Wyoming has successfully treated more than 97,000 acres of cheatgrass, protecting core sagebrush ...
WLFW Research Details How Wildfire Follows Cheatgrass In the Great Basin
Publication Alert

WLFW Research Details How Wildfire Follows Cheatgrass In the Great Basin

WLFW research shows that 77% of invasive annual grass transition in the Great Basin occurred without fire, suggesting proactive management of invasive grasses is ...
Getting Ahead of Large Rangeland Fires in the Great Basin
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Getting Ahead of Large Rangeland Fires in the Great Basin

Join Joe Smith and Jeremy Maestas for a discussion about new, annual fire-prediction maps for the Great Basin and what they mean for managing for wildfire in ...
“Defend the Core” — Fighting back against rangeland invaders in sagebrush country

“Defend the Core” — Fighting back against rangeland invaders in sagebrush country

Working Lands for Wildlife is leading a new charge to Defend the Core and fighting back against invasive annual ...
A geographic strategy for cross-jurisdictional, proactive management of invasive annual grasses in Oregon
Publication Alert

A geographic strategy for cross-jurisdictional, proactive management of invasive annual grasses in Oregon

A new "Defend the Core" strategy for addressing invasive annual grasses is emerging in Oregon and it parallels other efforts across the ...
Defend the Core: Maintaining intact rangelands by reducing vulnerability to invasive annual grasses
Publication Alert

Defend the Core: Maintaining intact rangelands by reducing vulnerability to invasive annual grasses

Defend the Core is an emerging, proactive strategy being used by a variety of efforts across the West to defend intact rangeland cores from threats like invasive annual ...
The Ascent and Spread of Annual Invasive Grasses in the Great Basin
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The Ascent and Spread of Annual Invasive Grasses in the Great Basin

Join Joe Smith as he discusses his new research highlighting how annual invasive grasses are spreading in the Great Basin and what this means for ...
Publication Alert: Annual Invasive Grasses Spreading Through Great Basin to Higher Elevations and Northern Aspects
Publication Alert

Publication Alert: Annual Invasive Grasses Spreading Through Great Basin to Higher Elevations and Northern Aspects

Working Lands for Wildlife research is showing that annual invasive grasses are moving up in elevation and to more northern aspects throughout the Great ...
Ask an Expert | Curtis Elke, Idaho-NRCS State Conservationist, Talks Cheatgrass and More

Ask an Expert | Curtis Elke, Idaho-NRCS State Conservationist, Talks Cheatgrass and More

The Cheatgrass Challenge is a new, proactive strategy outlining Idaho NRCS’s plans to tackle invasive annual grasses. Read on for ...
Don’t Get Cheated By Invasive Grasses

Don’t Get Cheated By Invasive Grasses

Farmers and ranchers can't afford to ignore the economic challenges posed by ...
Idaho Launches the Cheatgrass Challenge

Idaho Launches the Cheatgrass Challenge

Read all about Idaho's new effort to tackle cheatgrass, an invasive annual grass that is causing serious issues across western ...
Webinar Replay | Restoration of Annual Grass Invaded Landscapes

Webinar Replay | Restoration of Annual Grass Invaded Landscapes

Overview of the devastating impacts of annual invasive grasses, regional scale strategies to tackle the problem, on-the-ground examples of restoration, and introduction to a ...
Combatting Cheatgrass On Private Ranch Lands In Wyoming Benefits Sage Grouse

Combatting Cheatgrass On Private Ranch Lands In Wyoming Benefits Sage Grouse

Learn how Wyoming landowner DeWitt Morris is working with the NRCS-led Sage Grouse Initiative to create a model for other ranchers on how to thwart invasive cheatgrass on ...
What Causes Wildfires In The West?

What Causes Wildfires In The West?

Wildfires are now more frequent and more intense in sagebrush country. Learn why (and how to reduce fire risk) from BLM fire planner Darcy ...
Study Shows It Pays To Treat Invasive Grass On Your Ranch

Study Shows It Pays To Treat Invasive Grass On Your Ranch

An economics study from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Oregon shows that the earlier ranchers treat cheatgrass, the greater their financial ...
Why Is Cheatgrass Bad?

Why Is Cheatgrass Bad?

Mike Pellant with the Bureau of Land Management explains how cheatgrass and wildfire create a vicious cycle that harms wildlife and our way of life in the West ... and gives ...
Comprehensive ‘Ecosystem Resilience & Resistance’ Map Available For Entire Sage Grouse Range

Comprehensive ‘Ecosystem Resilience & Resistance’ Map Available For Entire Sage Grouse Range

Newly expanded visual tool on the SGI Web App allows managers to better predict and mitigate negative impacts of fire and cheatgrass across sagebrush ...