
We provide scientific reports, project profiles, technical tools, videos, photos, field guides, and links that tell the story of how cooperative conservation is making a difference for working lands and wildlife across the West.

Sage Whiz Quiz | How Do Sagebrush Animals Survive Winter?
Sage Whiz Quiz

Sage Whiz Quiz | How Do Sagebrush Animals Survive Winter?

Are you a sage whiz? Test your knowledge on how animals use sagebrush range during the cold, harsh winter ...
What Do Sage Grouse Do All Winter?

What Do Sage Grouse Do All Winter?

Sage grouse are tough birds, surviving through cold winters in western North America. Learn how they thrive, even during the harshest ...
Fun Fact Friday: To Migrate Or To Staycation

Fun Fact Friday: To Migrate Or To Staycation

by Nancy Patterson, BLM | Learn which birds head south and which birds make their home on the sagebrush range during the chilly winter ...