conservation easement

We provide scientific reports, project profiles, technical tools, videos, photos, field guides, and links that tell the story of how cooperative conservation is making a difference for working lands and wildlife across the West.

Meet Bob Budd

Meet Bob Budd

Hear how Bob Budd from the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust Fund works with the NRCS and local ...
SGI’s “Ranching First” Approach Proves Key to Protecting Ranch in Washington

SGI’s “Ranching First” Approach Proves Key to Protecting Ranch in Washington

The Keane Ranch is now protected from development in perpetuity thanks to a conservation easement supported, in part, by the ...
Conservation Easements Continue to Protect Idaho’s Pioneers-To-Craters Landscape

Conservation Easements Continue to Protect Idaho’s Pioneers-To-Craters Landscape

Two new easements protect an additional 2,500 acres of prime sagebrush habitat, adding to area's conservation ...
#FridaysOnTheFarm | For Future Generations of Ranchers and Sage Grouse

#FridaysOnTheFarm | For Future Generations of Ranchers and Sage Grouse

Meet David Sceirine, a rancher protecting key wildlife habitat on his family’s ranch near Bridgeport Valley, ...
California Ranchers Safeguard Agriculture and Sage Grouse Habitat

California Ranchers Safeguard Agriculture and Sage Grouse Habitat

A conservation easement funded in part by the NRCS-led Sage Grouse Initiative will protect some of the best habitat in California for mule deer, waterfowl, migratory ...
The Conservation Gift That Benefits Us For Countless Years to Come

The Conservation Gift That Benefits Us For Countless Years to Come

by Brianna Randall | Conserving our natural resources is one of the ways we can give back to our children, communities, and economy for years to come. And the gift that keeps ...
#HabitatHero Mike Fenn: Leaving A Legacy For Wildlife In Wyoming

#HabitatHero Mike Fenn: Leaving A Legacy For Wildlife In Wyoming

by Brianna Randall | Landowners like Mike Fenn in western Wyoming are voluntarily stepping up to protect and restore the sagebrush country that supports their way of ...
Military, Conservationists, Rancher Join Forces For Economy And Wildlife In Nevada

Military, Conservationists, Rancher Join Forces For Economy And Wildlife In Nevada

The NRCS-led Sage Grouse Initiative partners with the Dept. of Defense and others to conserve the Smith Creek Ranch in the heart of Nevada’s sagebrush ...
How Do Conservation Easements Work?

How Do Conservation Easements Work?

In Montana, landowners have partnered with local land trusts to conserve 2 million acres. Expert Lisa McCauley from NRCS explains why easements work for ranchers and ...
Easement Conserves Habitat For Gunnison Sage-Grouse in Colorado

Easement Conserves Habitat For Gunnison Sage-Grouse in Colorado

The NRCS-led Sage Grouse Initiative helps fund conservation easement that keeps prime ranchland open and protects wildlife for generations to ...
New Easements in Montana Protect the Longest Known Sage Grouse Migration Corridor

New Easements in Montana Protect the Longest Known Sage Grouse Migration Corridor

The Nature Conservancy has secured conservation easements that preserve both the West's ranching heritage and sage-grass habitat on 25,000 acres of the Carroll Ranch. The ...
Round-up of Ranching Success Stories for Sage Grouse

Round-up of Ranching Success Stories for Sage Grouse

The NRCS-led Sage Grouse Initiative partners with private landowners to put in place conservation projects like these examples, which will protect the sagebrush sea, western ...
Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust: Viewing Sage Grouse on Conserved Ranch Inspires Staff

Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust: Viewing Sage Grouse on Conserved Ranch Inspires Staff

Seeing sage grouse inspires the Colorado Cattlemen's Agricultural Land Trust ---a Sage Grouse Initiative partner. CCALT has protected more than 45,000 acres of sage grouse ...
Colorado Conservation Easement Proof that Local Projects Protect Sage Grouse

Colorado Conservation Easement Proof that Local Projects Protect Sage Grouse

In Colorado, a new conservation easement northwest of Dove Creek is being touted as an example of a grassroots effort to protect the Gunnison sage ...