invasive annual grass

We provide scientific reports, project profiles, technical tools, videos, photos, field guides, and links that tell the story of how cooperative conservation is making a difference for working lands and wildlife across the West.

Getting to the Core: SGI Evaluates 12 years of Conservation through the Lens of the Sagebrush Conservation Design
Publication Alert

Getting to the Core: SGI Evaluates 12 years of Conservation through the Lens of the Sagebrush Conservation Design

SGI’s proactive, voluntary conservation model has conserved sagebrush cores but analysis shows more work to be done on invasive annual ...
WLFW Research Details How Wildfire Follows Cheatgrass In the Great Basin
Publication Alert

WLFW Research Details How Wildfire Follows Cheatgrass In the Great Basin

WLFW research shows that 77% of invasive annual grass transition in the Great Basin occurred without fire, suggesting proactive management of invasive grasses is ...
Research provides first-ever analysis of vegetation trends on BLM lands across West

Research provides first-ever analysis of vegetation trends on BLM lands across West

Remote sensing technology offers a cost-efficient and spatially diverse method of analyzing vegetation trends on western rangelands, including the more than 233 million acres ...