
We provide scientific reports, project profiles, technical tools, videos, photos, field guides, and links that tell the story of how cooperative conservation is making a difference for working lands and wildlife across the West.

Washington Ranch Preserves Sagebrush Rangeland in Perpetuity

Washington Ranch Preserves Sagebrush Rangeland in Perpetuity

New conservation easement in Washington state preserves more than 2,000 acres of native sagebrush range in critical sage grouse habitat, adding to a 6,800-acre easement the ...
SGI’s “Ranching First” Approach Proves Key to Protecting Ranch in Washington

SGI’s “Ranching First” Approach Proves Key to Protecting Ranch in Washington

The Keane Ranch is now protected from development in perpetuity thanks to a conservation easement supported, in part, by the ...
Safer Flights for Sage Grouse Over Washington State, Thanks To Dedicated Field Staff

Safer Flights for Sage Grouse Over Washington State, Thanks To Dedicated Field Staff

Michael Brown, a Sage Grouse Initiative range and wildlife conservationist in Washington, forged a new connection with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners Program to ...