
We provide scientific reports, project profiles, technical tools, videos, photos, field guides, and links that tell the story of how cooperative conservation is making a difference for working lands and wildlife across the West.

Conserving Prime Hay Ground As Well As Colorado’s Famous Elk and Deer

Conserving Prime Hay Ground As Well As Colorado’s Famous Elk and Deer

The Etchart Family placed much of their ranch in a conservation easement protecting prime working land from development and preserving habitat for elk, deer, and sage ...
Webinar Replay | Restoration of Annual Grass Invaded Landscapes

Webinar Replay | Restoration of Annual Grass Invaded Landscapes

Overview of the devastating impacts of annual invasive grasses, regional scale strategies to tackle the problem, on-the-ground examples of restoration, and introduction to a ...
Bugle Magazine | Thinking Like a Beaver

Bugle Magazine | Thinking Like a Beaver

Read about how volunteer-led, low-tech, process-based restoration of streams and meadows in the west is helping restore critical habitat for elk and other wildlife in this ...
Sage Whiz Quiz | Elk
Sage Whiz Quiz

Sage Whiz Quiz | Elk

Take this Sage Whiz Quiz to test your knowledge of ...
BUGLE Magazine | Sage Grouse + Elk = Peanut Butter & Jelly

BUGLE Magazine | Sage Grouse + Elk = Peanut Butter & Jelly

Bugle Magazine, a publication of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, published this feature story on the value of conserving sagebrush country in its Nov/Dec 2017 ...
Do Elk Need Sagebrush?
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Do Elk Need Sagebrush?

Historically, elk were found in all but five states in the U.S. However, due to over-hunting, elk populations declined from more than 10 million to less than 100,000 by the ...
Wildhorse Ranch Project: A Win-Win Partnership To Protect Sagebrush Range

Wildhorse Ranch Project: A Win-Win Partnership To Protect Sagebrush Range

Innovative conservation easement with ranchers, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Nevada Dept. of Wildlife, and NRCS preserves agricultural working lands, wildlife habitat, and ...
The Future For Sage Grouse, Elk, & the 40 Million Acres of Sagebrush They Share | Bugle Magazine

The Future For Sage Grouse, Elk, & the 40 Million Acres of Sagebrush They Share | Bugle Magazine

By Nicky Ouellet | This article appeared in the Jan/Feb 2016 issue of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation's "Bugle" magazine, and explores how conservation efforts can benefit ...